New State Law

New Broker Standards

Expertise Matters - learn why

Benefits to the consumer


  • You – the consumer – are now legally entitled to full transparency about broker compensation as a result of some headline-worthy class action lawsuits against the industry trade organization.
  • Revisions to WA real estate agency law now require brokers to have a signed services agreement with a homebuyer "as soon as reasonably practical" in the working relationship. 


  • The stage is set for real estate professionals to win your business based on the actual value of services provided – their expertise.
  • You are empowered to confidently hire the expert most qualified to meet your needs. 

most brokers lack experience

  • Having major surgery? Would you pick a general surgeon who performs the procedure a few times a year or a specialist who does it five times a week?
  • Over 60% of the 100+ island-based brokers closed three or fewer sales on the island in 2023 (average 1.5).
  • Over 80% of all brokers who closed a sale on the island in 2023 closed three or fewer sales.
  • The majority of these brokers are part-timers who do not have enough experience to have gained sharpened skills. 


  • Highly skilled, experienced and full-time Top Producers are the best advocates for their clients.
  • On Bainbridge, less than 5% of brokers close double-digit sales per year and, combined, account for 30% of all sales.
  • Jason Shutt is proudly a Top Producer in this cohort, and his expertise shows in his results as well as his testimonials.
  • Conversely, most consumers are unaware of the potential disservice part-time novices do for their clients.


  • Jason Shutt is highly knowledgeable about the law revision and welcomes a new era of transparency.
  • He believes in consumers being, and he built his brand on the belief that his clients should be, empowered to make well-informed decisions.
  • And he is fully prepared to demonstrate his value and expertise to you.
  • If your real estate broker can't articulate their value to you, nor are they forthcoming about, and competent in, talking about the legal forms and disclosures, Jason respectfully suggests talking to one who is.


  • Jason has extensively updated both his Buyers and Sellers Guides to emphasize service to clients.
  • Discover how Jason’s professionalism and expertise can directly benefit you.
  • Download his Guides today.


  • No matter if your timeframe is three months or three years, Jason is patient and ready to help you through your journey.
  • Jason would be delighted to meet you in person and discuss how his expertise could help you meet your objectives.
  • Schedule your appointment with Jason and he will send you his Presentation that elaborates on the value found in his Guides and goes further into the transparency of new broker requirements.

Jason on Revised Agency Law

jason's promise to serve you

If you are in the process of hiring a real estate broker to represent you in a purchase or sale of real property, it's likely you're looking for someone with integrity, who can problem solve your situation, and places your needs first and foremost.

Ironically, when Jason made a career transition, the very traits that helped establish his trusted reputation as a Bainbridge Island 7th grade science teacher led to his success as an agent. He will serve you with patience, empathy, be a careful listener, and I know above all else the power of thoughtful research and data analysis to empower you to make significant decisions. Both middle school teaching and the real estate field present opportunities to serve the needs of his clients, in what can sometimes be difficult circumstances, and make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible; that is what energizes Jason!

Contact Jason today to learn how he can serve you.


"Jason's skill set is perfect for real estate because he understands people and how to help them through difficult situations" 

- Jim & Trish Corsetti, Bainbridge Island

Benefits to the consumer (longform)

New State Law

Washington State's real estate agency law is changing for the first time since its adoption in the 1990s. The new law – Chapter 18.86 RCW – effective January 1, 2024, requires real estate brokers to have a written services agreement in place with homebuyers who engage their services, and that agreement should be signed "as soon as reasonably practical." Washington now joins just 15 other states in requiring written agreements for buyers.

Sweeping changes in the real estate industry, as a result of some headline-worthy class action lawsuits against the industry trade organization, are meant to ensure you – the consumer – fully understand how real estate brokers are compensated for providing services to clients.

New Broker Standards 

This coming era of real estate brokerage services is all about you, the consumer, having transparency about and full disclosure in how broker compensation is handled. This new landscape has set the stage for us professionals to compete for your business based on your most crucial needs; you are empowered to confidently hire the most qualified expert.  

Did you know that less than 5% of brokers who closed a sale on Bainbridge Island last year are locally-based Top Producers who closed more than ten sales? This handful of professionals, which Jason is proudly a part of, accounted for 30% of the overall residential sales. 

On the other hand, consider that sixty of over one hundred island-based brokers only closed three or fewer sales in 2024. Jason is committed to bringing awareness to the potential disservice part-time, amateur brokers do for consumers who aren’t aware of the professionalism the highly skilled pros bring to their clients on a full-time basis. 

Jason firmly believes in consumers being, and he built his brand on the belief that his clients should be, empowered to make well-informed decisions. 

Expertise matters

Jason is motivated to personally raise the bar of what to expect from a real estate professional in the future of the industry. He is fully prepared for 2024 because this new era of transparency has given him the challenge to demonstrate his value and expertise to you through his proven track-record.

To demonstrate his ambition and expertise to you as a prospective client in this new era, Jason has extensilvey revised his Buyers Guide and a Sellers Guide to show you how you could benefit from his expertise. If you like what you see and schedule an appointment, you will then receive his Buyer or Seller Presentation where he thoroughly articulates his value and expertise with full transparency. In addition to a full scope of Jason’s approach to his craft, these assets also include every legal form and disclosure available from the NWMLS and Windermere Real Estate’s legal firm, Demco Law. 

And in the spirit of full transparency, you can find the Windermere flyer here, all the legal forms, bulletins and disclosure for buyers here and sellers here.

Jason Shutt is eager to win your business

When the time comes, Jason hopes you will take the time to be well-informed and empowered about how to choose a real estate broker to be your trusted advisor. In this new era of transparency, there is importance in allowing brokers, particularly a Top Producer like Jason, to compete for your business. 

Jason’s goal is to meet you in person and discuss how he is so well suited to help you meet your objectives, no matter if your timeframe is three months or three years. 

Shutt Milestones Graphic - 2020-2023

get to know jason

Jason, with his wife Mairead and family, enjoys outdoor adventures, including skiing, mountain biking, backpacking in the mountains and camping near beaches. Jason holds an honorary Ph.D. in Telemark Skiing from Ski Bum University at Grand Targhee, Wyoming. On Bainbridge, Jason has been a co-chair of the Sakai Park bond and a couple of BISD levy/bond campaigns. He’s currently a Bainbridge Island Parks & Trails Foundation board member and is on the Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Development Committee. Jason has a Master’s and a Bachelor’s degree from Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma.
