Best of 2016

Of the 359 Single Family Homes that sold on Bainbridge Island in 2016*, I stepped foot in 76% of them. In other words, I have toured about 300 homes this year. One veteran agent asked my opinion on the price of his listing and told me he valued my insight because he knows how much I get out to see the homes for sale. He finished the compliment by sharing that he respected my gut instinct because it’s founded in thorough knowledge of our market place.

In fact, when you see this much property, you get to fine tune what to expect at certain price points. There are certain floors and ceilings to pricing that a home fits within, at least as far as the Realtors are concerned. It’s ultimately up to the Buyers to determine value with their offering price.

And just like Buyers shopping for a home, I get to have an emotional reaction to every single one of them. I get to pretend whether I would spend $2,200,000 on this, or $475,000 on that.

I get to dissect the home to determine “who the buyer is”, so as to analyze how wide the buying pool may be. When we are out on Thursday’s Broker Tour we discuss the pros, cons and type of lifestyle each home affords its owner. In the end, there is a lot to love, hate, and feel indifferent about when seeing this much product.

All that said, below is a link to my list of my 2016 favorites. I set out to find 10, but ended up with 20. Oh well.

As it turns out, I really love waterfront. Not only am I a Pisces, but also a born and raised SoCal beach / water polo / swim team kid who is pretty much at home in the water (and please don’t hold the Cali thing against me- I migrated north to the PNW as quickly as I could after my 1994 high school graduation). Now I now love fishing off the beaches here and being on friends’ sailboats, so it makes sense that I just love being in homes where the water seems to flow into the living spaces.

And if I had to pick just one favorite, it would be the waterfront home I sold near Battle Point for the epic sunset-facing beach it offers. It’s 4795 North Tolo in the list below.

These homes have one simple thing in common- they speak to me. I hope you’ll share with me how some of the features you see herein speak to you.

Click here to explore the homes I deemed Best of 2016.

* Home sales through 12/15/2016

To discuss property values with a local Bainbridge Realtor who sees more homes than just about any agent out there, contact me at or 206.399.3641.